Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mathematics With Technology

Through these podcasts, Judy Chandler explains the importance of incorporating technology with the teaching of math. Teachers are very hesitant to explore their math resources because some believe that the students just can't learn it or the teacher does not want to change their teaching technique. However, the students suffer from their teacher's unwillingness to explore such resources. All educators should be motivated to include tools and resources that encourage and promote learning.
She says that technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics and that it influences the math that is taught and enhances students learning. Such tools engage them, uniquely support differentiated instruction, and critical thinking, and provide visual representation, etc. A way to engage students is to ask them questions in which they would have to think more critically and thus will they remember better because they're having to think hard. Overall, technology's use promotes greater understanding. There are provided programs that can cover up to four to five textbook lessons. The benefit of this is that its "instructional minutes as students gain connections with past ideas and explore new relationships that sets the stage for what's to come".
Podcasts describing resources for different subject areas are excellent for teachers. This type of podcasts passes information quickly to teachers that may be looking for specific information or new ideas. For history majors there is a podcast available titled Teaching American History podcast. There are many other helpful podcasts available in the iTunes store just by searching for a specific keyword.

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